The process of bleeding a radiator is to let out any trapped air that is inside the radiator. Bleeding your radiators will improve the efficiency of your heating system. This guide has been designed to guide you through the process of bleeding your radiators safely, should you have any concerns, please seek professional advice.
To bleed your radiators you will need the following tools:
- A radiator bleed key/Flat headed screwdriver
- A cloth/Small hand towel
Step 1: Ensure your central heating and hot water are switched off at the boiler, and that the radiator you are planning to bleed is completely cooled.
Step 2: To locate the valve to bleed the radiator, check along the top edge of the radiator – the release valve is a square shape inside of a round hole. Place your radiator key and twist anticlockwise slowly, just a quarter to a half turn (never fully open the valve). You will hear a hissing sound as the air escapes.
Step 3: When you hear the hissing sound of the air escaping, hold your cloth beneath the valve to catch any water. As soon as water is escaping, close the valve back up on the radiator by turning the radiator key clockwise.
Step 4: Repeat the bleeding process on any other radiator that requires it – starting on the radiators downstairs and then moving upstairs if required.
Step 5: Check the pressure gauge on your boiler, if it has fallen too low, it will need to be topped up – to find out how to do this, please see your boiler manual.
Step 6: Turn your heating system back on, all radiators should now be hot and not have any cold spots. If you find that you have to bleed your radiators frequently you may have underlying problems – if this is the case, seek professional advice from AB Plumbing & Heating